The Treatment
I call myself “The Gentle Osteopath” as this name describes how I work. I don't push or crack your body. That is why this treatment can be suitable for everybody, from babies to grandparents. When I treat, I sit quietly with my hands on the patient to find out what's functioning and what's not. When I find the cause of the problem, I facilitate the change working in synergy with healing forces in your body. At the end of the session, I want you to walk away understanding more about your body and what you can do to help it.
Before your appointment
Prior to your first appointment, you will be asked to complete a Previous Medical History form that will be emailed to you with a confirmation of your appointment time and location. This form provides me with important background information relating to the condition requiring my attention, as well as details of earlier medical issues you have sought medical treatment for. Please complete the questionnaire and return it electronically before arriving at the clinic. If you have any relevant medical reports, including x-rays or CT scans, please bring these along with you to your appointment. You should allow at least an hour for this initial appointment. If you have a need for specific support or assistance when visiting the clinic, please let me know before your visit. You will receive a reminder email or text message the day before your appointment to help you organise your visit.
During your appointment
First treatments with The Gentle Osteopath last about one hour. Typically, patients remain fully clothed unless I need to check the skin, or to apply tape as part of the treatment, when I may request you remove relevant clothing. Often, I determine that specific exercises need to be included in the treatment protocol so I suggest you wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing that allows you to move freely.
Your appointment will begin with gathering as much information about your body as possible – starting with a review of your Previous Medical History form and any relevant reports or images. The next step is to assess your body in a standing position or laying down, or perhaps while moving. I will be looking for the root cause of your problem. After getting ‘the picture,’of whats happening I will tell you what I think the problem is and what my approach will be to sorting it out. At this time, I will ask you to lay down on the treatment bench and relax while I sit quietly and ‘listen’ to your body and then commence treatment. My aim when treating is to work in the pain-free range, keeping you relaxed. This could be why some patients find it so relaxing they fall asleep. I don't use techniques that put direct force into the body, rather the gentler techniques that work with your body, below are the techniques I often use:-
Exercise – Usually prescribed as ‘homework’ and only ever if needed, exercises are used to support your return to health.
Soft tissue stretching – Sometimes it is better to work directly on the affected muscle to make a change to its function.
Articulation –Joint motion can be improved by taking the joint through its range of motion without any assistance from you - let me do all the work!
Functional – Taking the affected area of the body to a point where it is at ease in all directions allows the body to reset the tension in that area.
Cranial Osteopathy – These gentle touch techniques are used to palpate the many small joints and bones in the head , with the aim of releasing stress held in the underlying tissues. Cranial techniques are mostly performed while holding the head but they can be used throughout the body.
Visceral – Designed to release tension around your organs (ie liver, kidneys, etc), these techniques improve structural function.
Taping – When taping is required to support local tension immediately, I may use stretchy tape called “rock tape” or “KT tape”. Unlike old fashioned rigid strapping tape, this tape can stretch 150% and is normally comfortable to have on the skin, another good thing it's easily removed.
Biodynamic Energenic Osteopathy - The body has its own natural processes to correct the body. Biodynamic Osteopathy works to relax the body’s nervous system, which frees up the natural processes. Then the osteopath uses biodynamic techniques to work in harmony with these natural processes to help the body resolve issues. The end result is to improve the health and function of the body in a relaxed manner using soft hands on the body, without any force.
If at any time during the appointment, you need my support to feel more comfortable or confident, please let me know. If I am engaged in a critical phase or point in your treatment, I will respond as soon as I can.
At the end of the session
I want you to walk away understanding more about your body and what you can do to help it. I will explain how your body responded and what you can do that will help your body recover quickly. This might be an exercise, a change in the way you do things, or maybe the application of heat or ice. My recommendations will depend on each case and how your body responds.
After the treatment
To maximise the benefits of osteopathic treatment, I may recommend avoiding strenuous workouts or other treatments such as massage, for three days after an initial appointment or one day after a follow-up appointment. This gives your body the optimum time to adjust to working in a new way. Doing heavy exercise too soon is likely to trigger a return old habits and cause the return issue you sort treatment for to return.
Occasionally patients report a feeling of slight stiffness in their body two or three days after visiting the clinic. This is due to the body adapting to the changes achieved during treatment. However, if you have any concerns, please contact me to discuss them. Text or email might be the best way to contact me and I will call you when I am able.